AlphaControls basic conceptions
Below are listed the basic
differences of AlphaControls from similar packages
(these moments can be obscure at initial
acquaintance with a package) : Main
differences from other packages :
- Upgradable and very simply structure of skins.
Read more about skins structure (if you want to make
of your own themes) at the AlphaSkins
- Kind of the each control is calculated in
real-time, so any control from package may be
moveable and fully resizable in real-time
- Drawing of components is produced in several
layers, so components may be alpha-blended, can have
nice realistic borders, shadows and some other
beautiful effects
- Work with components is very simply, handy and
And certainly applications with
AlphaSkins can supports kinds of applications like other
skinable packages.
Now is available three ways of AlphaControls
using :
- Skinable components with
using (must have biggest priority) Please read TsSkinManager
overview for getting out - how to use this
- Skinable components With
TsControlsManager and
TsEditorsManager using This two components are
serves for properties changing of components group
(properties Control.sStyle.GroupIndex and
TsStyleControl.GroupIndex must be equal). For saving
and loading properties in the file are created two
methods : SaveToFile and LoadFromFile. In new versions
of AlphaControls this two components saved only for
This components are deprecated. In the future (version
4.x) as replacement for these two components will be
used only TsSkinManager
component as more perspective.
- As a single different fine components with
different settings without skins
support with using of sStyle property.
This property is deprecated. In the future (version
4.x) as replacement for this property will be used
only TsSkinManager
component and sStyle.SkinSection property as more
- Most components are have property sStyle.Shadow. This property enables
drawing of shadow an control (together with such
adjustments as Blur, Color, Offset, Transparency...
Property enabled if sStyle.Shadow.Enabled is True.
Shadow may be drawn only if component placed at the
control which supports SStyle-engine, i.e. on other
control from AlphaControls package such as TsPanel
or TsGroupBox etc..
- Such components as TsPanel, TsButton,
TsStatusBar, etc are have property Transparency in property
sStyle.Painting. This property defines transparency
of control if in property sStyle.Background.Mode is
chosen value bgsTransparent.
Transparency may be used only if component placed at
the control which supports SStyle-engine, i.e. on
other control from AlphaControls package such as
TsPanel or TsGroupBox etc..
- Most controls are have property Gradient. This property allow to
define gradient with any amount of colors for
control by special-designer. In buttons and
trackbars added also gradient for "Hot" state of
- In most controls is present possibility of custom borders drawing with using
alpha-masks. Used in skins, but developer can define
this property by self. Please, see alpha-masks
overview for more detailed information.
- In comparison with standard components, in
controls from AlphaControls package are absent such
properties as AutoSize, BorderStyle, Color, Ctl3D,
ParentColor, ParentCtl3D - now drawing is operated
by property sStyle.
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